Friday, September 12, 2008

Just kicking back

Hmmm...I wonder where the kids are? Oh, rearranging the lawn furniture and playing with a sharp tomato cage in the backyard.

Bug: Stack your feet, like this MealyWorm!
MealyWorm: Like this? How do I put my foot on top? Oh, I did it!

Bug: You never listen to me.

MealyWorm: Hey, Look, a rabbit.
Bug: Yeah, another rabbit.

This is what summer was meant to be.


Quigs78 said...

So cute!

They can come over here and rearrange my furniture. Or at least just move it so I can vacuum the cat hair tumbleweeds out from under it.

Amy said...

so cute!

SunnyD said...

I vote that all days should be like that, not just the summer ones. :-)

Quigs78 said...

I'm spreading the love on my blog (with a glove, of course!) :)

Check it's about you.