Thursday, November 13, 2008

Caught up in a good book...

Guess what...I'm a Librarian and I'm caught up in a book. :)

On the recommendation of some of my fellow bloggers, (Thank you guys!) I recently started reading the Twilight Series. Needless to say, I've been spending all my "spare" time (and some not so spare time) READING the printed word. It is truly a rare occurrence for me. In recent years, I've become mostly an unabridged audio book reader. And to find a book, in fact series of books, so compelling that I can actually sit still and stay awake long enough to read is simply amazing. And I'm loving it. Also noteworthy is the fact that each of the 4 books (I'm just starting book 4) is over 700 pages long! Even though I'm a librarian and I love books..reading long ones has never been my specialty, regardless of content. So I'm quite happy to have read over 2,000 pages in the last 5 days. So if I'm absent for another couple of'll know why...I'm reading Breaking Dawn. :)


makeup_girl said...

I think it's awesome that we're doing this at the exact same time. All those other Twilighters in CARE finished the books months ago. You and I will have them fresh in our minds for the movie!

~rachel~ said...

Ok so I need something to read, will I like it if I don't read other vampire books?

Lavender Lemonade said...

makeup-girl - yes, definately. :) I love the fact that the whole series is already done, none of that waiting around for the next book crap.
rachel - I think anyone who's open to some "paranormal" stuff could easily enjoy it. Can't hurt to try, because if you like it...falling in love with a book is one of greatest feelings on earth. :)