Wednesday, July 09, 2008


To think, that if we hadn't taken both of these two homeless critters from their little cage at PetSmart (on behalf of CatsNap) they would never have seen each other again. That would have been a tragedy.


makeup_girl said...

Awww! I may have to set up a play date with your cats! They are so stinkin' cute!

Quigs78 said...

Seriously. I wanna lie down next to them and rub my face in their fur while I baby talk to them.

And I don't even want to do that with my own kids or cats.

SunnyD said...

LOL, cat hugs are awesome. That's how Luke got adopted. We were fostering him for four weeks, and he managed to get out of the bedroom and ended up curled up with Clawdio.