Monday, November 03, 2008

Meet the New Baby...

After the post I had about the Clothing Chaos overtaking my life, I began to reconsider the idea of finding out the gender of the new baby. I need whatever help I can get when it comes to organizing and preparing for life with 3 kids. So today we learned, we are having a girl. So our boy, Bug, will be the big brother to two little sisters. I know its a leadership role he will fill well.

Here's the new baby girl...


makeup_girl said...

I love ultrasound pictures - she looks perfect!

~rachel~ said...

Congrats!! I'm so glad you decided to find out! :)

Amy said...

Awww! New baby girl Lemonade. She & Mealyworm will be well taken care of by Bug. And Bug will be one of those understanding guys who "gets" women. Win/Win!

The Fearless Freak said...

Yay! Congrats to the whole family :)

Quigs78 said...


I know you're overrun with clothes already, but if you want any more girl things, let me know. :)

Anonymous said...

Aw, there he is! Congratulations!